bilderFlut | A Flood of Images

bilderflut, xpon-art, Hamburg. Die Sitte des Bilderfressens (The Custom Of Eating Pictures) André Werner, Cosima Reif, 1996, video 5min 56s
Die Sitte des Bilderfressens (The Custom Of Eating Pictures) as part of bilderflut, xpon-art gallery, Hamburg.

Die Sitte des Bilderfressens (The Custom Of Eating Pictures), a video I created together with Cosima Reif in 1996, is part of the group exhibition bilderFLUT at the xpon-art gallery, Hamburg. The exhibition title, literally “a flood of images”, is a common German term to describe the oversaturation of daily life with media images.

xpon-art | August, 23 till September 23, 2018

– Alexander Estis
– André Werner & Cosima Reif
– Andreas Jackel
– Arne Lösekann
– Bettina Schünemann
– Chordeva
– Elina Saalfeld & Jenny Mehren
– Gerald Chors
-Hanna von Behr & Katja Staats
– Michael Perlbach
– Steffen Plorin
– Thorsten Berndt
– Zhifeng Zhang

Repsoldstraße 45, 20097 Hamburg

near main station