André Werner | mixed media
untitled, (red couple III – V), mixed media, painting, drawing on photography, 70 x 50 cm
untitled, triptych (red couple), mixed media, painting, drawing on photography, each 70 x 50 cm
untitled (triptych blue), mixed media, painted photograph on paper, ca. 1988, each 42 x 29,7 cm, 16,5 x 11,6 inch
Part of A Girl As An Independent Creation, an ongoing series of portraits of self-portraits. Snippet from the remaining text: “Der Mensch als das höchste Geschöpf ist auch der vornehmste Gegenstand solcher Darstellung, in und … Continue reading “The Most Noble Subject”
A Girl As An Independent Creation The title of the image refers to the last line of the first book page, “mehr als selbstständige Schöpfung”, which translates into “rather as an independent creation”. A somehow … Continue reading “Autopoietic Beauty”
Images of Japanese Women transfered onto illustrations of the Jin Ping Mei (Kin Ping Meh). These small phototransfer/collages have been enlarged as cibachrome prints. All untitled, phototransfer/collage, ca. 11 x 15,2 cm | 4,3″ x … Continue reading “Japanese Beauties”
Superimposed Autograph Book Aphorisms These are pages from an autograph book (or friendship book) from 1926. This book consists of several handwritten aphorisms and well-wishes, dedicated to the unknown owner. The single pages are superimposed … Continue reading “From an Album of Aphorisms”
mixed media, collages on pages from a 19th Century book about the relations between men and women. Both Aug, 1990
When rubbed off upon paper or heavy brass plates, photographs, foreign characters and graphical scriptures form a labyrinth of superimposed layers. The details are hard to make out. In one corner an aged diary entry can be found …continue reading
Just like in the story of Mr. Spinell*, who always averts his eyes in reflex when beholding something beautiful, such that only the arc of his eyelashes catch a glimpse of that which he decided to turn down. …continue reading