Circles at Sehnsucht nach dem JETZT/Longing for the NOW
My multi-channel work “circles” is part of the exhibition “Sehnsucht nach dem JETZT/Longing for the NOW” at Schloss Biesdorf, Berlin.
Update: The exhibition will reopen May 11 and run till June 6.

When exactly is NOW? When does the past become NOW? When does the future begin after NOW?
“Longing for the NOW” in Schloss Biesdorf is the first part of a three-part exhibition in Berlin, Dresden and Düsseldorf. The exhibition series revolves around the “longing for the NOW”, that elusive moment of the present. In order for the NOW to become (graspable), what lies before and what lies after must be considered. These three phases – past, present, future – are therefore the focal points of the exhibition, whereby each time is assigned a cultural and socio-political dimension.
The fleeting and fragile moment of NOW can best be captured in the moment of the creative process. Consequently, the Berlin prelude in Schloss Biesdorf deals with both the present and the moment of artistic creation. Seventeen artists are taking up this challenge in Schloss Biesdorf.
As is usual for an exhibition in Schloss Biesdorf, works from the holdings of the Beeskow Art Archive are also represented in “Longing for the Now”. The works by Annette Peuker-Krisper, Jörg Jantke and Michael Morgner broaden the view of the theme to include positions from the perspective of artists who worked in the GDR.
The NOW,
as well as the longing for the same, we perceive as a sequence of moments that we divide into past, present and future. But what is present, the moment, the moment, the NOW? Is it even comprehensible? Or has it not already elapsed when we become aware of it? This question and how we deal with it seems to be immensely important for us humans. The longing for the NOW, as well as its failure, has been and is treated by the great religions as well as by philosophy. People have devised a number of strategies to live the moment, and only the moment, in self-forgetfulness. The (positive) moment should be enjoyed, the fading out of past and future should lead to the greatest happiness. But will we even get there? To the NOW?
Artistic creation, just like the NOW, is always risky. “Sehnsucht nach dem Jetzt” therefore presents both finished works and works created directly on site, such as installations or performances, in all locations in order to do justice to the uncertainty of the moment.
Sehnsucht nach dem JETZT, the publication
A newspaper will be published to accompany the exhibition, expanding the spectrum of the exhibition’s artistic-visual works to include the written word and creative “notes”.
Structured in the style of a classical daily newspaper in the categories politics, feuilleton, miscellaneous, advertisements etc., this “A newspaper for all days” gathers together artistic works as well as scientific contributions, poems, literary texts etc.

Felina Schrödinger and the mystery of the Conjunctiva.
Part of the exhibition is a presentation of the current state of my research regarding the biography of Felina Schrödinger, a handmaiden at Schloss Biesdorf. Felina Schrödinger is not only tied to the rumours of so-called Ice Girls, together with Yuliya Sanshayn she challenged our understanding of reality and image, 100 years ago.
Find out more about Felina Schrödinger and the mystery of the Conjunctiva. (currently only in German)
The Düsseldorf exhibition (2021) reflects not only the past, but also philosophical contemplation, while the exhibition in Dresden (GEH8 Kunstraum June 12nd – June 28th 2020) links the political will to shape the future with the desire to create.
“Sehnsucht nach dem JETZT/Longing for the NOW” at Schloss Biesdorf, Berlin.
Curated by Andreas Sachsenmaier, Joachim Seinfeld, Bärbel Möllmann, Karin Scheel
Opening: 23. Februar 2020, 6pm
23. February – 10. May 2020, Schloss Biesdorf, Berlin
Atsushi Fukunaga | Renate Herter | Jörg Jantke | Andreas Kempe | Ulrike Kötz | Bärbel Möllmann | Ulrike Möschel | Michael Morgner | Julia Murakami | Annette Peuker-Krisper | Daniel Rode | Andreas Sachsenmaier | Thyra Schmidt | Joachim Seinfeld | Axel Töpfer + Jo Preußler | Rebecca Ann Tess | Klaus Walter | André Werner | Sinta Werner
The program of events and offers for art education can be found at www.schlossbiesdorf.de
An event of the Department of Culture Marzahn-Hellersdorf.
You can find more information about culture in Marzahn-Hellersdorf on the Internet at www.kultur-marzahn-hellersdorf.de.