How long is Now?
The exhibition questions the fragile, elusive moment of the Now. 16 artists try to capture the very instant of the “Now” by means of installation, photography, painting and video. …continue reading
snippets from the world of André Werner
„Sehnsucht nach dem Jetzt |Longing for the Now“ is a three-part exhibition in Berlin, Dresden und Düsseldorf. Curated by Bärbel Möllmann, Andreas Sachsenmaier and Joachim Seinfeld.
The exhibition questions the fragile, elusive moment of the Now. 16 artists try to capture the very instant of the Now by means of installation, photography, painting and video.
“In order for the NOW to become (graspable), what lies before and what lies after must be considered. These three phases – past, present, future – are therefore the focal points of the exhibition, whereby each time is assigned a cultural and socio-political dimension.”
Participating artists:
Atsushi Fukunaga | Renate Herter | Andreas Kempe | Ulrike Kötz | Bärbel Möllmann | Ulrike Möschel | Julia Murakami | Daniel Rode | Andreas Sachsenmaier | Thyra Schmidt | Joachim Seinfeld | Axel Töpfer + Daniel Neumann + Jo Preußler | Rebecca Ann Tess | Klaus Walter | André Werner
„Sehnsucht nach dem Jetzt |Longing for the Now“ ist eine dreiteiligeAusstellungreihe in Berlin, Dresden und Düsseldorf. Kuratiert von Bärbel Möllmann, Andreas Sachsenmaier und Joachim Seinfeld.
Die dreiteilige Ausstellung beschäftigt sich mit dem Verlangen nach dem flüchtigen und fragilen, vielleicht überhaupt nicht fassbaren Moment des Gegenwärtigen zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft. 16 zeitgenössische Künstler wollen im Weltkunstzimmer dem JETZT mit Malerei, Video, Fotografie und Installationen näherkommen.
How long is Now?
The exhibition questions the fragile, elusive moment of the Now. 16 artists try to capture the very instant of the “Now” by means of installation, photography, painting and video. …continue reading
Interactive Light objects at the second edition Longing for the NOW.
The exhibition Sehnsucht nach dem JETZT/Longing for the NOW is coming to the GEH8 in Dresden. This art space is very different to the first station at Schloss Biesdorf, Berlin. Thus, the show comes with many new works, like my interactive Light objects. …continue reading
Circles at Sehnsucht nach dem JETZT/Longing for the NOW
My multi-channel work “circles” will be part of the exhibition “Sehnsucht nach dem JETZT/Longing for the NOW” at Schloss Biesdorf, Berlin.
Part of the exhibition is a presentation of the current state of my research regarding the biography of Felina Schrödinger, a handmaiden at Schloss Biesdorf. …continue reading