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André Werner | worksSelected works of art by André Werner. You may refine the selection by choosing to display only live streams, installations, video art, overhead installations, mixed media, objects, photographs, Polaroids, stills, projects or collaborations. Often a specific group of works span over several sub genres. You’ll find associated tags at the bottom of each entry that allows to see an entire group of art regardless of the media or material. The pieces shown here are mainly media art. Paintings, drawings and painted over photographs will be added over time. If you look for a specific work of art don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Selected works of art by André Werner. You may refine the selection by choosing to display only live streams, installations, video art, overhead installations, mixed media, objects, photographs, Polaroids, stills, projects or collaborations. Often a specific group of works span over several sub genres. You’ll find associated tags at the bottom of each entry that allows to see an entire group of art regardless of the media or material. The pieces shown here are mainly media art. Paintings, drawings and painted over photographs will be added over time. If you look for a specific work of art don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Fine Art print on Baryte paper, Edition of 7 | 2 AP
21 x 30 cm (print), 30 x 40 cm (framed)
Fine Art print on Baryte paper, Edition of 7 | 2 AP
21 x 30 cm (print), 30 x 40 cm (framed)
Fine Art print on Baryte paper, Edition of 7 | 2 AP
43 x 30 cm (print), 50 x 40 cm (framed)
Fine Art print on Baryte paper, Edition of 7 | 2 AP
43 x 30 cm (print), 50 x 40 cm (framed)
Fine Art print on Baryte paper, Edition of 7 | 2 AP
43 x 30 cm (print), 50 x 40 cm (framed)
Fine Art print on Baryte paper, Edition of 7 | 2 AP
43 x 30 cm (print), 50 x 40 cm (framed)
Fine Art print on Baryte paper, Edition of 7 | 2 AP
43 x 30 cm (print), 50 x 40 cm (framed)
Fine Art print on Baryte paper, Edition of 7 | 2 AP
43 x 30 cm (print), 50 x 40 cm (framed)
untitled, (red couple III – V), mixed media, painting, drawing on photography, 70 x 50 cm
untitled, triptych (red couple), mixed media, painting, drawing on photography, each 70 x 50 cm
untitled (triptych blue), mixed media, painted photograph on paper, ca. 1988, each 42 x 29,7 cm, 16,5 x 11,6 inch
Video installation in the public space. Beam projection during the night of New Year’s Eve 2021/22.
Wishing you all a wonderful 2022
This New Year’s Eve installation is based on my closed circuit installation “parole soleil”, an early predator of the Viennese Catherine Window.
The image is lit from behind if a motion sensor is triggered by a spectator. The image remains visible for about five seconds before hiding again behind.
By waving to the object one can bring back the waving girl.
In den Korrespondenzen der Fotopionierin Felina Schrödinger findet sich der folgende Eintrag:
“In letzter Zeit habe ich eine seltsame Erfahrung gemacht. Wenn ich im öffentlichen Raum fotografiere winken mir regelmäßig wildfremde Personen zu. Genauer gesagt, sie winken der Kamera zu. Nicht jeder, meist sind es Kinder, die Alten und die Trunkenbolde, die Ehrlichen, wenn Du so willst. Als ob sie hinter dem Glas des Objektives die zukünftigen Betrachter vermuten, die, dicht gedrängt wie Matrosen in einem U-Boot, durch die Luke der Linse schauen. Ich frage mich, ob diese Menschen nicht ein tieferes Verständnis der Fotografie haben als unsere eitlen Akademiker.”
pictured: Brigade der winkenden Mädchen #1 (Brigade of the waving girls)
A photograph based on the installation by the same name.