somewhere down the palm road
André Werner,
“somewhere down the palm road” from the series “Das winkende Mädchen”, interactive light object, 2021. 33 x 33 x 9 cm, metal, glass, whitewall sheet, motion detector, LED, layered overhead sheets.

The image is lit from behind if a motion sensor is triggered by a spectator. The image remains visible for about five seconds before hiding again behind.

By waving to the frame one can bring back the  waving girl.

Die Brigade der winkenden Mädchen
André Werner, Brigade der winkenden Mädchen (Brigade of the waving girls), interactive light object, 2021.<br /> 33 x 33 x 9 cm, metal, glass, baking paper, motion detector, LED, layered overhead sheets.
Brigade der winkenden Mädchen (Brigade of the waving girls), interactive light object, 2021. 33 x 33 x 9 cm, metal, glass, baking paper, motion detector, LED, layered overhead sheets.

The image is lit from behind if a motion sensor is triggered by a spectator. The image remains visible for about five seconds before hiding again behind.

By waving to the frame one can bring back the brigade of waving girls.


The waving girl | work in progress I

A test run with the image hidden behind a sheet of paper that dangles in the airflow of a fan. The image is lit from behind if a motion sensor is triggered by a spectator. The image remains visible for about five seconds before hiding again behind the blank paper.
By waving to the sheet one can bring back the waving girl.

Continue reading The waving girl | work in progress I

Say Hello, Wave Goodby!
Say Hello, Wave Goodby! The first realization from the series
Say Hello, Wave Goodby! The first realization from the series “Das winkende Mädchen” (the waving girl). Installation in the public space. Slide projection during the night of New Year’s Eve 2020/21.


Say Hello, Wave Goodby! is the very first realization from the series “Das winkende Mädchen” (the waving girl). A short-time nstallation in the public space. A slide projection during the night of New Year’s Eve 2020/21.

La prisonnière du port, a live video installation by André Werner. Part of the series
La prisonnière du port

The fifth installment of my series of single-frame video installations What remains of cinema | ce qu’il reste du cinéma.

April 17. – 25. 2020, 06am – 03am CET

As I am, due to the current lockdown, unable to continue presenting these installations in galleries, cinemas or in the urban space, I made “La prisonnière du port” a live installation that streamed from my home. …continue reading

Autopoiesis | Was vom Kino übrig bleibt | What Remains Of Cinema. #2 André Werner, interactive video installation, 2018 Closed circuit depicting a nude girl making a selfie in the mirror of a changing cubicle.
Autopoiesis | What Remains Of Cinema #2

Autopoiesis, like its prequel La Femme et Le Fou, is an interactive closed circuit installation. An old black-and-white TV set and an analog video camera are directly connected opposite to each other, creating a feedback loop in a closed circuit. The single frame of this edition, a selfie image of a nude girl standing in front of the mirror in a changing cubicle, is printed on an overhead sheet and placed, hanging on thin thread, between the camera and the monitor.

Thus, the image, which in itself reflects an autopoietic system, becomes part of the loop, jumping into the TV, immediately reborn in the camera, an autopoietic beauty. …continue reading

André Werner, Muslim Arab from Jerusalem, 12 cm x 11 cm, 4,72 x 4,33 in, Honey, glass, epoxy, photography on overhead sheet, LED light, 2012

Honey Objects These Objects are jars, filled with honey. They contain anonymous portraits on overhead sheet.  The jars are lit from the bottom. All, 12 cm x 11 cm, 4,72 x 4,33 in, Honey, glass, … Continue reading “Honey”


Some Geishas | SX70 polaroids All ca. 1992, SX70 polaroids,10,7 cm × 8,8 cm  | 4,2″ x 3,5″ (image 7,9 cm × 7,9 cm | 3,1″ x 3,1″) mounted on SX70 polaroid cartridge.

André Werner, polaroid SX 70, 1986, 8,8 cm × 10,7 cm | 3,5″ x 4,2″ (image 7,9 cm × 7,9 cm | 3,1″ x 3,1″) mounted on SX70 polaroid cartridge.
3 Faces | SX 70

  All polaroid SX 70, 1986,  10,7 cm × 8,8 cm  | 4,2″ x 3,5″ (image 7,9 cm × 7,9 cm | 3,1″ x 3,1″) mounted on SX 70 polaroid cartridge.

André Werner, Love You, polaroid SX 70, ca. 1987, 8,8 cm × 10,7 cm | 3,5″ x 4,2″ (image 7,9 cm × 7,9 cm | 3,1″ x 3,1″)
Love You

Love You, polaroid SX 70, ca. 1987, 10,7 cm × 8,8cm | 4,2″ x 3,5″ (image 7,9 cm × 7,9 cm | 3,1″ x 3,1″)

André Werner, untitled (hand cuffed), polaroid SX 70, 1986, 8,8 cm × 10,7 cm | 3,5″ x 4,2″ (image 7,9 cm × 7,9 cm | 3,1″ x 3,1″) mounted on SX70 polaroid cartridge.

André Werner, untitled (hand cuffed), polaroid SX 70, 1986, 10,7 cm × 8,8 cm | 4,2″ x 3,5″ (image 7,9 cm × 7,9 cm | 3,1″ x 3,1″) mounted on SX70 polaroid cartridge.